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Are you ready for a Cheeseburger Throwdown?

Sure am!

About 3 weeks ago, a cheeseburger challenge was issued and since then food websites were scoured, cheeses combined, and flavours were tested in order to come up with cheese burgers worthy for competition among friends.

Only 3 people decided to throw down, but we had more than enough snacks and conversations to keep us busily chatting and munching away as we waited for Burger Challenger 1 (aka M).

Burger Challenger 1 : Smokey Jack with Special Sauce

Throwdown Oct 17 041

Being first has an obvious advantage — hungry people.  Though there were snacky foods to munch on, we all knew what we were there for — the cheeseburgers!  As the flames on the grill grew higher and higher, so did our anticipation.  Excitement aside, burger 1 had some delicious merits: big smoky flavour, juiciness, and special sauce.

Recipe: M does a  lot of eyeball measuring, so here is a list of ingredients he used for the patties and special sauce.


  • Regular ground beef (this is what keeps it juicy)
  • smoked Himalayan rock salt
  • liquid smoke
  • chili pepper powder
  • onion powder
  • garlic powder
  • black pepper
  • dried oregano

Mix all together. Form large patties (gotta account for the shrinkage) and freeze slightly so that it doesn’t fall apart on the grill.  Top with jalapeno monterey jack cheese and dress with your favourite fixins’.  Serve on a crusty roll type bread. M used buns from Cobs Breads.

Special Sauce:

  • mayo
  • honey
  • paprika

Play around with the flavours. The taste is similar to the mayo half of White Spot’s Triple O sauce (only better, ofcourse!).

Burger Challenger 2 – Triple Cheese Tease

Throwdown Oct 17 016

The name says it all, but how does it compare with burger 1?  Well, let me just say that not only was it stuffed with 3 cheeses (feta, goat, and parmesan), but it was also stuffed with bacon and rolled in a brown sugar spice rub that gave the meat a nice caramelized look.  Beef, bacon, THREE cheeses, and a spice rub???  Add some fixins and a nice roll and you have one complex burger with big bright flavours that complement one another.

Tea, got the recipe? Send it over!

EDIT: Tea sent the recipe! See comments.

Burger Challenger 3 : Mystery Meat Surprise

By the time burger 3 came around, people were feeling pretty full.  We had eaten about 1 and a half burgers and a whole lot of snacks.  Still, we pushed through (sans bread) and had Tree’s Mystery Meat Surprise.  As you can see from the photo, the “mystery meat” was SPAM.  Now, you’re probably thinking, “Would that even count as a burger?” I say it does! The requisite for this burger challenge is to use ground meat and I think SPAM is quintessential ground non-descript meat.

Recipe: Tree didn’t just want to serve a slab of SPAM so she tried to do something different.  Here are the ingredients:

  • mashed potatoes (prepared as you like)
  • SPAM, mashed
  • roasted cumin seeds
  • egg
  • panko/bread crumbs
  • oil for shallow pan fry

Mix mashed potato and SPAM and cumin seeeds.  Form into patties.  Beat egg in a bowl and coat patties in egg.  Once coated in egg, coat patties in panko or bread crumbs and pan fry.

It was a good effort, tasty, and certainly creative.  The mashed potatoes toned down the saltiness of the SPAM and the panko provided a nice crust.  Her method of using mashed potatoes and cumin seeds reminded me of pakoras.

And there you have it! Our first Throwdown.  Apologies for not having better photos as I know the proof is in the pictures.  As for the winner… like I’ve said in a previous post, everyone in attendance were winners. BUT!  If I had to choose the best of the evening, it would be Tea’s Triple Cheese Tease!  Now, try saying THAT with a mouth full of burger!

7 responses

  1. Tea

    LOL I actually prefered the smokey jack and the special sauce combo! Can’t go wrong with a classic take on a burger! Oh and Tree, I would have eaten more of the spam burgers if I wasn’t so full. I really enjoyed the panko crust!

    So the recipe for Tea’s Tripple Cheese Tease:

    Ground beef
    1 egg
    salt and pepper
    bacon (fried, and then crumbled)

    Cheese filling:
    bacon (fried and then crumbled)
    feta cheese
    goat cheese

    Caramelized Spice Rub:
    4 tbsp brown sugar
    1/2 tsp cumin
    1 tsp paprika
    1 tsp garlic powder


    Form patties a little thinner than normal. On half of the patties, spoon as much of the cheese mix as you can manage. Press another patty on top, and press the edges shut. Before grilling, dip in the spice mix. That’s it!

    I used lean ground beef, but regular would have turned out more juicy. I’m looking forward to the next throw down!

    October 19, 2009 at 7:51 am

  2. Jenn

    Awesome! I wish I could’ve been there! Hehe, I’m hungry now.

    October 19, 2009 at 10:53 am

  3. M

    I’m definitely gonna try making yours sometime Tea. =) I thought that they were awesome!!! And really the point of the throwdown to me anyway was to sample other burgers…. as there are so many varieties.

    Oh yeah… there’s also a slice of Velveeta cheese between the bottom bun and the burger on the “Smokey Jack”.

    Definitely looking forward to the next one. 😀

    October 19, 2009 at 12:26 pm

  4. I think I could have won if I made a garlic rice ball bun and topped the spam with a fried egg:P It was a super fun throwdown! What’s next?

    October 19, 2009 at 9:47 pm

  5. acrazyrandomhappenstance

    Tea – thanks for the recipe. Great job on the Throwdown
    Jenn – next time you’re in Vancouver, we should have a special one for you. You can bring out the persimmon pudding and the brain sammiches. 😉
    M – oh yeah, Velveeta!
    Tree – hard to say, but the rice ball bun and fried egg would definitely be a throw back.

    There’s a new throwdown in the works 😀 Stay tuned!

    October 20, 2009 at 7:49 am

  6. Jenn

    Braaaaaains…you know, I don’t even know if they still serve that around here. There was a big mad-cow scare a while back…hrm. I’ll have to look into that. And hehe, persimmon pudding…can I just bring like, vanilla pudding instead?

    Keep me posted! I can’t wait to see what yumminess you guys cook up next!

    October 22, 2009 at 8:11 am

  7. acrazyrandomhappenstance

    haha, you can bring whatever you like. but this persimmon pudding intrigues me…

    October 22, 2009 at 8:38 pm

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